ZingChart Annual Software as a Service (SaaS) License

Updated January 7, 2020

Grant of License

The ZingChart annual SaaS license is for the development and deployment of a single application hosted on a single domain. An SaaS application generally requires customers, clients, and other users who are outside of the licensee's organization to log in to the app to gain access to content and charts. SaaS licensing is generally used for a sellable software product hosted on a single domain or a hosted software application accessed by users in support of a sellable product or service.

The License File

The annual SaaS license includes licensing for a single production domain www.domain.com. Additionally, we will provide a license for up to five subdomains for development and testing:

  1. subdomain1.domain.com
  2. subdomain2.domain.com
  3. subdomain3.domain.com
  4. subdomain4.domain.com
  5. subdomain5.domain.com

If you are creating a multi-tenant application which previsions users to individual subdomains, ZingChart can provide the appropriate license file upon request. Please contact with any questions.

The annual SaaS license also includes a license file file for our phantom.js build, should you choose to use it.

Licensees do not typically have ability to change the domain associated to an annual SaaS license. If you foresee a need to change the domain, please contact .

Included Support

The purchase of an annual SaaS license includes two hours of ZingChart Product Support per year. See our support section to learn more about additional support beyond the included two hours.

Versions & Upgrades

The purchase of an annual SaaS license provides access to the current major version of ZingChart. Currently, ZingChart is releasing 2.x.x builds. You will be provided access to the most recent build of ZingChart as long as your annual fee is paid.

When ZingChart, Inc. releases version 3.x.x of ZingChart, you will be provided access to the newest major version at no cost as long as your annual licensing fees are paid. Please note: you are required to make your annual SaaS licensing payment each year you include ZingChart in your app. The fee applies no matter which version of the library you choose to use.

If you are considering ZingChart for your SaaS application but do not want to be required to pay an annual fee, you should consider the perpetual SaaS license.

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